From 2003 to 2010 Rose Spicker was the GIS manager for Rescan Environmental Services Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia and since then has operated her own company, Spicker GIS Services.
During this time she has created and managed traditional knowledge (TK) databases for Aboriginal groups and worked in Inuit communities to train local researchers in the basics of GIS. Rose has worked with ecologists to create Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) products and with wildlife biologists to develop enhanced habitat suitability mapping for various mammal species.
She has built and managed data files required for Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) using Landmapper software; created field maps, report maps and presentation figures for clients; worked on all phases of visual quality analyses – spatial data analysis, field work, baseline and environmental assessment and report writing and developed customized ArcView 3.3 programming to run a TK database using Avenue and Visual Basic
She has an extensive knowledge of ESRI software (ArcView 3.3, ArcView 9.x, Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst).